Inspections and Consultations

Save Money, Time, and Hassle with Glen’s Expert Consultations

Protect your investment and maximize returns by ensuring your property meets safety and regulatory standards. Glen Guadalupe, a seasoned home inspector, offers expert consultations and inspections to safeguard your real estate investment.

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Glen’s Investor-Focused Inspection Services

Safety Inspections

Protect your investment by identifying potential hazards before they become costly issues. Glen conducts detailed safety inspections, covering structural integrity, fire safety, and other critical areas to ensure your property is safe for tenants.

Use and Occupancy

Ensure your investment property complies with all use and occupancy regulations. Glen provides thorough inspections and consultations to help you meet these requirements, facilitating a smooth approval process and avoiding costly delays.

Permits Consultation

Navigating the permitting process can be complex and time-consuming. Glen offers expert advice on obtaining the necessary permits for your investment property, ensuring compliance with local regulations and streamlining your project timeline.

License and Inspections

Stay on top of licensing and inspection requirements with Glen’s expert services. He provides comprehensive consultations to help you maintain compliance with all relevant codes and standards, protecting your investment from legal and financial risks.

Phone Consultation

$ 197 /1 Hour
  • Receive personalized advice and insights tailored to your property and investment strategy.
  • Guidance on understanding and navigating complex building codes, permits, and licenses.
  • Make informed decisions to save money and time.
  • Clarify issues related to use and occupancy.
  • Ensure your property meets all regulatory requirements.

On-Site Consultation

$ 397 /1 Hour
  • Comprehensive on-site inspection by Glen Guadalupe.
  • Guidance on understanding and navigating complex building codes, permits, and licenses.
  • Make informed decisions to save money and time.
  • Identify potential issues and streamline the permitting and compliance processes.
  • Save money and prevent delays.

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Cancellation Policy:
Please note that cancellations or rescheduling requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Contact Us: For any questions or additional information, please contact us.

This is not a municipality-sanctioned inspection.

Maximize the potential of your investment with expert advice from Glen Guadalupe.

Reach out today for a consultation

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